Comparison Analysis with Huffman Algorithm and Goldbach Codes Algorithm in File Compression Text Using the Method Exponential Comparison

Abu Sani Tanjung, Surya Darma Nasution


With the development of technology at this time many people know about compression. In simple compression is a process to shrink the file from its original size. At this time compression applications that are often used are WinZip, WinRar, and 7-Zip, namely with the aim of compressing documents and saving space on memory or data transmission. Compressed data can be in the form of images, audio, video and text. The use of the Huffman algorithm and the Goldbach Codes algorithm in compressing text files is intended to provide enormous benefits in the sending and storage process and requires less memory space compared to uncompressed text. The algorithm starts by providing a string of inputs as input, how to produce an algorithm output in the form of a binary string or code that translates each input string, so that the string has a small number of bits compared to strings that are not compressed. Thus, the problem is how to obtain the code with sorted characters and frequency tables as input and shorter binary code as output. In applying the Huffman algorithm and the Goldbach Codes algorithm in compressing text files is very good, the results were not reduced from the original file or there was no reduction


Huffman, Goldbach Codes, Compression, Exponential Comparison Methods

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